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发布时间:2023-02-21 作者:超级管理员 点击:268 【 字体:


Hello, Global Audiences, I’m the founder of State Leaders Interview Column《Murphy Interviews》,the honorable guest who attended this column of 《Murphy Interviews》is international famous strategist、entrepreneur & philanthropist Dr. ZHAO Yunlong.


1国际主持人邓婷: 赵云龙博士您好,欢迎坐客本期《邓婷访谈》。请您向全球的观众朋友们做一下自我介绍。

International Hostess Murphy: Hello,Dr. ZHAO Yunlong, welcome to attend 《Murphy Interviews》, should you please introduce yourself to global audiences?

赵云龙博士: 很高兴坐客《邓婷访谈》。全球的观众朋友们好,我是赵云龙。

Dr. ZHAO Yunlong: Hello, global audiences, I’m ZHAO Yunlong. It's my pleasure to attend《Murphy Interviews》.


2国际主持人邓婷: 赵博士,您是知名的战略家,全球《孙子兵法》宣讲第一人!联合国是世界政治外交的中心,能否请您分享您自己在联合国的经历?International Hostess Murphy: I learned that you’re the international famous strategist & the most famous scholar who has preached Sun Tzu's Art of War globally. In view of the fact that United Nations is the global central of World Politics & Diplomacy, should you please share with global audiences about your rich experience in UN.

赵云龙博士: 《孙子兵法》是中国先贤的智慧典籍,理应弘扬至全世界。我曾在美国西点军校、哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学等宣讲《孙子兵法》智慧,尤其在纽约华人社区法拉盛图书馆连续宣讲4个月。我是美国哥伦比亚大学访问学者,世界政治经济趋势专业研究员、哥伦比亚大学亚太协会战略专家委员会主席、联合国友好理事会副主席、联合国全球青年领袖培训项目总负责人。也是哈佛大学美中经济交流委员会专家委员会主席,曾经担任联合国货币发展委员会执行主任,现任联合国战略智库基金会执行主席、国际战略家联盟主任。我在联合国十多年,在联合国经历过许多有趣的故事。

Dr. ZHAO Yunlong: Sun Tzu's Art of War is the wisdom of Chinese sages and should be carried forward to the world. I have preached the wisdom of Sun Tzu's Art of Wa at West Point, Columbia University, Harvard University, etc., especially in Chinese community of Flushing Queens Library in New York for four consecutive months. I am a visiting scholar at Columbia University, a professional researcher on world political and economic trends, the chairman of the Strategic Expert Committee of the Asia-Pacific Association of Columbia University, the vice chairman of the United Nations Friendship Council, and the general director of the United Nations Global Youth Leadership Training Program. I’m also the Chairman of the Expert Committee of the US-China Economic Exchange Committee of Harvard University. I once served as the Executive Director of the United Nations Monetary Development Committee, and now serves as the Executive Chairman of the United Nations Strategic Think Tank Foundation and the Director of the International Strategists Alliance. I have been in the United Nations for more than ten years and have experienced many interesting stories in the United Nations.


3国际主持人邓婷: 赵博士,您早在2012年已经荣获“联合国和平大使荣誉”。中美两国双边关系已经不同于2017年之前,激烈的贸易战、科技战以及冷战,您怎么样看待这个问题?

International Hostess Murphy: Dr. ZHAO you’ve won the United Nations Peace Ambassador Prize in 2012. The bilabial relationship between China & US is totally different from that before 2017, especially with the increasing fierce bilabial trade war、scientific & technological warfare & cold war. What's your opinion about this problem?

赵云龙博士: 中美两国在各大领域的激烈竞争,着实让同我一样旅居在美国的中国人心弦紧绷。就科技战而言,中国的高新科学技术发展日新月异,取得了令全世界瞩目的成就。与此同时,我们也应当以高瞻远瞩的目光和博大的胸怀去看世界。美国领先的高科技值得全世界学习,中国也不例外。就中美贸易战而言,贸易争端主要发生在两个方面:一是中国比较具有优势的出口领域;二是中国没有优势的进口和技术知识领域。前者基本上是竞争性的,而后者是市场不完全起作用的。关于冷战,中国倡导人类命运共同体,结合当前俄乌冲哭,和平是人类命运永恒的主题。期待中美早日由对抗走向对话,同时积极推动世界恢复和平。

Dr. ZHAO Yunlong: The fierce competition between China and the United States in various fields makes the Chinese people living in the United States like me feel quite uneasy. In terms of scientific and technological war, China's high-tech development is improving rapidly with each passing day and has made remarkable achievements in the field of science and technology. At the same time, we should also look at the world with a far-sighted vision and broad mind. America's leading high-tech is worth learning from all over the world, and China is no exception. As far as the Sino-US trade war is concerned, the trade disputes mainly occur in two aspects: first, the export fields in which China has comparative advantages; Second, China has less advantages in import and technical knowledge area. The former is basically competitive, while the latter is not fully functional. With regard to the cold war, China advocated a community of shared future for mankind. In the light of the current conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, peace is the eternal theme of mankind. We all eagerly looking forward to the early transition from confrontation to dialogue between China and the United States, and actively promoted the restoration of global peace.


4国际主持人邓婷: 赵博士,您做为一个身在联合国的世界公民,如何看待当前的世界局势?

International Hostess Murphy: Dr. ZHAO, as a global citizen based in United Nations, how do you view the current world situation?

赵云龙博士: 我认为和平与发展仍是当今时代的主题。世界多极化和经济全球化在曲折中继续发展。

Dr. ZHAO Yunlong: I believe that peace and development are still the theme of our times. World multi-polarity and economic globalization continue to develop in twists and turns.

5国际主持人邓婷: 感谢战略家赵博士高屋建瓴的智慧分享。据我了解,赵博士是实业型战略家,自己创办了许多成功的企业。请问您怎么样看待未来十年自己的发展?

International Hostess Murphy: Dr. ZHAO, thanks for your profound & insightful sharing. As I know, that PhD ZHAO yourself achieved great success in your owned founded enterprise who is a real industrial strategist. How do you plan your business sector in the coming decade?

赵云龙博士: 我曾经十年内创办投资五家经经济效益增长快利润高的企业:国信集团有限公司(香港)、陕西华信集团有限公司,北京好信息电子商务有限公司、内蒙古鄂尔多斯国信科技园,北京华龙有限公司。当前主要投资南美洲矿业等,未来十年将投资高科技、传媒等领域。

Dr. ZHAO Yunlong: I once founded and invested five enterprises with fast economic growth and high profits in ten years: GUOXIN HOLDING GROUP HK LIMITED, Shaanxi HUAXIN Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Good News Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., Ordos GUOXIN Science Park in Inner Mongolia, and Beijing HUALONG Co., Ltd. At present, I mainly invest in South America mining and other minerals, and will invest in high-tech, media and other fields in the next decade.

6国际主持人邓婷: 成功人士都爱做慈善,赵博士您也一样!能否向全球朋友们分享您做过哪些慈善?您做慈善的出发点是什么?以及您出生在怎样的家庭,赋予您把慈善事业做到全球的能量与热忱!

International Hostess Murphy: Successful entrepreneurs tend to do charity which is also your own portrayal. Will you be glad to share with global audiences concerning your charity experience? What’s your starting point to do philanthropy? And what kind of family were you born in which endowed you with the energy、ability & enthusiasm to devote global philanthropy?

赵云龙博士: 我曾经担任北京市慈善协会副会长,协助中国西部贫困地区建立多所电子图书馆。拿出自已的资金在中国民主同盟中央委员会设立“云龙科技奖励基金” 奖励为中国科技做出突出贡献者。曾投资七百多万元进行内蒙古沙漠治理,保护环境。与此同时,我也热衷于联合国公益事业。2012~2017投资一百多万美元用于联合国举办的多项研究。用于世界经济政治趋势研究并且在哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学讲授孙子兵法在现代的运用。感谢生我、养我、培育我的祖国,以及我牵挂的故乡内蒙古鄂尔多斯。

Dr. ZHAO Yunlong: I used to be the vice president of the Beijing Charity Association, helping to establish many electronic libraries in poor areas in western China. Set up the "Yunlong Science and Technology Award Fund" in the Central Committee of the China Democratic League with funds to reward those who have made outstanding contributions to China's science and technology. I once invested more than 7 million yuan to control the desert in Inner Mongolia and protect the environment. At the same time, I am also keen on the public welfare of the United Nations. From 2012 to 2017, more than 1 million dollar was invested in a number of research projects organized by the United Nations which was used in the study of world economic and political trends and has taught the application of Sun Tzu's art of war in modern times at Harvard University, Columbia University and Cornell University.

7国际主持人邓婷: 节目的最后,我想站在联合国的高度提问卓越的赵云龙博士。“为天地立心、为生民立命,为往圣继绝学、为万世开太平。” 您如何把这份崇高的理想贯穿生命的始终?

International Hostess Murphy: I would also like to raise a question standing at the height of United Nations. How did you bear the lofty ideals “Set your heart for the heaven and earth, set your life for the living people, follow the unique learning to the saints, and open peace for all generations” in heart for your former life?How will you implement in the future?

赵云龙博士: 这是北宋大家张载的名言,意为为天地确立起生生之心,为百姓指明一条共同遵行的大道,继承孔孟等以往的圣人不传的学问,为天下后世开辟永久太平的基业。这也是我铭记于心、严于律己的终身追求!

Dr. ZHAO Yunlong: This is the famous saying of Zhang Zai of China Bei Song Dynasty, which means to establish the heart of life for heaven and earth, to point out a common path for the people to follow, to inherit the knowledge of Confucius and Mencius and other sages in the past, and to open up a permanent and peaceful foundation for future generations.This is also my lifelong pursuit.

8国际主持人Murphy: 我本人作为联合国亚裔小姐选美大赛全球总冠军,也是电影的爱好者。据悉您正在筹划拍摄一部以旅居在海外的华人华侨奋斗史为题材的电影《纽约往事》,请您分享该电影的创作背景及愿景?

International Hostess Murphy: Dr. ZHAO, as the global Champion of Miss Asian Pageant in Support of UN 17 SDGs, I have profound enthusiastic in film industry? I learned that you are planning to shoot a new film with the theme of the struggling history of overseas Chinese living abroad, will you share something?


Dr. ZHAO Yunlong: The name of the movie hasn’t been finalized. It will tell the most wonderful chapters in a series of stories of Chinese-American entrepreneurs, represented by myself, who immigrant from China to the United States since the Reform & Opening up policy of China.

9国际主持人邓婷: 感谢全球的观众朋友们收看本期《邓婷访谈》,再次感谢智慧儒雅的赵博士坐客访谈直播间。呼吁全球人类和赵博士一道,用战略,用实业,用无私大爱点亮和平新世界!

International Hostess Murphy: Dr. ZHAO, thank you global audiences watch this column of 《Murphy Interviews》. Once again thanks for intelligent and elegant PhD ZHAO’s participation. Welcome global humanity together with PhD ZHAO to light up a peaceful new world with strategy, industrialist ability and selfless love!


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